Proportion of total DNA consistent with the known owner on different areas of law enforcement owned firearms
Proportion of total DNA consistent with the known owner on different areas of law enforcement owned firearmsDownload
Direct STR typing from fired and unfired bullet casings
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Improvements, factors, and influences on DNA recovery from firearms
The complete content of this scientific paper may be subject to Copyright. If you require the full content to accompany the abstract below, you may purchase it from the publisher as identified in the header of the abstract.
Direct STR typing from bullet casings
The complete content of this scientific paper may be subject to Copyright. If you require the full content to accompany the abstract below, you may purchase it from the publisher as identified in the header of the abstract.
An Investigation of DNA Recovery From Firearms and Cartridge cases
The enclosed abstract relates to the full paper which is Copyright protected by the authors. The unabridged paper can be purchased directly from the publisher.
Direct PCR of fired shotgun casings: a South Australian evaluation
The enclosed abstract relates to the full paper which is Copyright protected by the authors. The unabridged paper can be purchased directly from the publisher.
An investigation of two methods of DNA recovery from fired and unfired 9 mm ammunition
The enclosed abstract relates to the full paper which is Copyright protected by the authors. The unabridged paper can be purchased directly from the publisher.
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