Lawyers Portal

DNA in the courtroom

DNA evidence is constantly evolving as the mass of ongoing scientific research and best practice guidelines vary and modify the way we should appropriately view, asses, evaluate and evidence DNA to the courts.

This evolution filters it’s way from research and into laboratory, investigative and reporting processes to varying degrees and at differing rates.

Ultimately, these changes percolate into the matrix of DNA evidence within the justice system.

Here, we provide lawyers with current and pertinent information that is utilised by forensic experts, with a particular focus on DNA.

Helen Roebuck offers insight and perspective on emerging practice and persistent issues as they relate to current DNA evidence before the courts.

Please be aware that information contained within this webpage is not intended to represent a scientific evaluation or opinion, nor is this information intended to be relied upon in evidence. This webpage is for legal practitioner viewing purposes only and is expressly not for publication or distribution. We recommend that you contact Roebuck Forensics for any clarification, or assistance with an opinion relevant to the specifics of your matter.


further testing be evidenced?


Sperm fraction

“no blood ”-“ positive presumptive”



Analogous to caselaw, scientific papers are relevant , however great care should be exercised with selection and application within the courtroom

Each laboratory interpret and apply scientific best practice in conjunction with their own Standard Operating Procedures



Lab Report Explainers

Key tips:

 – Each Australian State and Territory lab employs differing methods of reporting DNA.

Further testing is regularly conducted close to trial.

Further lab opinion or weighting of the results is frequently presented at trial.

Brief DNA Insights

Indirect Semen Transfer

This recently published 2024 peer reviewed published scientific paper seeks to provide clarity as to the likelihood of indirect transfer of semen.

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Lawyer’s - DNA detangled
